Fluff & Substance

Truth is... it's all fluff.
All that stuff that you want to do or have or be?     It's Fluff.

Truth is...  we are human.  
Even when we try to do right, we do wrong.  

Truth is... there is nothing we can do about it.    Nothing at all.
We are fluff stuffed.    We are heavy and weighted down by the accumulation of it.
It is the soft and compliant filling of our lives that suffocates our vision, holds us down, and takes the place of our real need.  
No matter how hard we try, no matter how many times we watch "Dr. Phil", read "Dear Abby", knock the dust off our Bible or listen to a preacher or read our daily devotional..... 
None of it matters until we get real with ourselves and get bare faced, nothing held back, eyeball to eyeball, gut wrenching, heart wrecking honest with God.   Until we get sick to death of the fluff and are ready to trade it for something of substance.    Ready to take Him up on His offer.
If you will expose your innermost to Him, which He already knows and sees anyway, then He will come near.
He is the Substance of life.    He is the Forgiver of sin.   The Redeemer of souls.   

He doesn't need your list.  He already knows everything that is on the list and everything that isn't.   He knows what is buried so deep that even you are not sure how to go about finding it.
He only wants your heart.     Yeah... that heart.   The heart that you tried to hide behind all the fluff and stuff.
The heart that has given up the struggle with pride and self.    The heart that gives in to His love. 
The repentant heart.     It is what He wants in trade.

A wake up call for the dead... the broken... the burdened and despairing.     Can you hear it?!
He will take your unsatisfied longings and fill  you with purpose.   Your shame bartered for His forgiveness.    You can exchange your broken parts for His wholeness.     Your heaviness, your unfulfilled dreams can be traded for resting peacefully in His love.
He will take your stuffing and fill you with the real and lasting substance of Him.
"Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.   For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  (Matthew 11:28-30)


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