One Day

In the last few months, there have been so many people that have passed from this life to the next due to accident or illness, it is difficult to take it all in and process it mentally or emotionally.     Everyone I know has lost someone.

We ask why.  We attempt to reason it out.  We can't make any sense of it.

But me?  Although I am truly sorrowful they have passed, and my heart has been broken for those I love, I am a bit envious.


"Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Co 15: 55 KJV)

Once I was lost, now I am found.  Because of Jesus.

Before Him, I had no hope.  No joy.  No knowledge of immortality.  No enormous excitement in anticipation of eternity.

No understanding of who I am or who He is.

I love to travel.  I love to meet new people, see and experience varied cultures, experience the beauty of this world and its people.

In my heart and spirit, I am a great adventurer, a warrior against evil,  author of  best sellers, and missionary to the world.   

Yes, I am so grand!  (go ahead ...insert laughter here).

In reality, I am just a normal every day human being who believes in Jesus, trying the best I know how to be a good person, be responsible for myself, love my family and friends, and hope to share Jesus with others in a way that makes them want to know Him too.

Also, in a better reality that is more true because this is what Jesus says,  I am in this world but not of this world.  I am a stranger in a strange land.  This world is no longer my home although it is my current physical dwelling place.  All because of the Holy Spirit within me.  All because of the transformation that took place inside of me when I turned to Jesus.

He is the One who placed those visions of grandeur into my heart.   He is the One that will complete them in me.

This is my Great Hope!  This is my sure knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ.

One day I  will step out of this body and into a new world... a new realm.

One day I will see Him face to face.   One day I will know Him as I am known by Him.  

That day is when my greatest and most outstanding adventures will begin and also be fulfilled ... made complete.

Until then, it's just me traveling this earth with Jesus by my side, and hoping that I get things right. 

So when I am gone, if a tear should leak from your eye, please cry for joy in knowing that I am finally in that place I have looked forward to for decades.    

I will be in that "One Day" with Jesus.   Believe me, it will not be boring.

Death is victory for those who believe!  (1 Co 15: 54)


Please get this one thing right.   Seek Jesus.  Be saved and transformed by Him.   Don't spend this life on earth without hope.  Don't spend eternity in everlasting regret.



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