Memories and Musings

I have trod the stones of the ancient Roman Coliseum.,,

and meandered through the streets of a molten Pompeii.

I have climbed the stairwell in the home of Abraham at Ur of the Chaldees...

and,  on a heat sweltered and sand dusted still Easter morning, I heard Your Word proclaimed and 

humbly worshipped the Lord from the stone covered pathways on which Abraham sought You also.

I have walked through the remnants of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon....

and I have traipsed along the olive tree shaded pathways of the Garden of Gethsemane...

and gazed with these eyes on the craggy stone face of Golgotha.

You have spoken to me through the haze and crushing weight of Your righteousness and glory... 

and You have held me through dark nights of despair.

Lord, take me where You will... from glory to glory.


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