With Honor

I was raised to be a Patriot. I'm the child of a career Army soldier and proud of it. I have tried to follow the example of that soldier all my life. When the flag of the USA is raised, you stand and salute. When the National Anthem is played, you stand and salute. When your country calls, you answer that call with everything in you. When the enemy attacks, you stand against it and do battle. I am also a child of the One True King, and I was also called by God to share His Word and His Truth boldly and without hesitation or fear of repercussion. Our country was formed by Patriots. Our law, our Constitution, is based on the precepts of God and His Word... His Ten Commandments. In the United States of America, Patriotism and belief in the God of the Bible go hand in hand. When God calls you to battle, you stand and you answer that call with everything in you. He provides the weapons of warfare, the armor, and the army. He is the...