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Mark tells a story about Jesus healing a boy that was possessed by a deaf and dumb demon. 

The demon had controlled this boy since he was a small child and would just toss him around like a rag doll, throwing him into fire and water and probably other injuries to his body.    All of this on top of disabling his hearing and speech.

I can't even imagine how that boy felt, entrapped in his own body.

His parents had to be at their wits end.   They had  watched their son grow from a child to a young boy to possibly a man who needed constant attention and care.

They had been living in despair of hope for their child.  Their belief was that it would always be this way.

The demon spirit not only controlled their son, it controlled the parents life and faith as well.

Then Jesus came along and the boy's father, with an almost infinitesimal glimmer of hope, brought his son for healing.

He had heard the stories about Jesus, the healer, the teacher.

Could he even begin to think that there was a way for his boy to be well?

Hoping beyond all hope, he brings his possessed son to the Son of God.

Jesus said to the father, "if you can believe."

He explained "All things are possible to him who believes."

This man, who had been living without hope for years, cried out with tears in his eyes and a catch of panic in his voice "Lord, I believe" and then further crying "help my unbelief". 

He begged Jesus to give him the measure of faith he needed to help his son.   To replace whatever doubts were crawling around in the back of his mind whispering "it's not possible.. no one can help... your son will never be made right ... it's too late ...this is forever..."

After all, he had been living in the presence of this demon for years. 

Then Jesus spoke.

Words of life to the boy.

Words of command to the demon.   "Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter him no more!"

The demon spirit fought against it, but had to obey the command of the Master.

Two miracles took place instantly!

1. The boy was made well.

2.  His father's small hope was transformed into a faith that would never waver.

Are we Hopeless?

Good question.

Answer:   NEVER!

Except for those times when ... fill in the blank.

Right now, our glorious country seems to be in full panic mode.

If you think about it, we have been in this mode for a while now. 

Half the country has been living in a panic that the "orange" man is somehow going to make their lives a living hell.

The other half panicked that those 'blue' people will be successful in their attempts to remove  him from office.

Before that we were divided by another presidency.

For decades, believers have been basically deaf and dumb as prayer was removed from school, abortions were legalized, God's words removed from public places.

Society changed before our eyes, and on our watch.

We weren't blind.   We just acted as though we were deaf and our voices muted by public opinion.

We acted as though we were entrapped in our own body by the mantra "God is love".

If this keeps up, it won't be long before we can't even see the evil.

Yet we muddle on, hoping things might change, but not really believing they ever will.   Not till Jesus comes.    Which is somewhat true, but it does not mean that believers can't  make a difference until then.

So, why are we letting a little ol' thing like a cold throw us off the deep end?   (Don't get me wrong.  I understand the threat of this virus, but it is just another blip on the screen we are watching.)

Why are we letting it invade our thoughts and our actions and our faith?

Because we have been living without hope that things will ever change till Jesus comes for too long now and this is the straw.

This is our apocalypse?  Really?

Has our hope waned? 

Has our faith grown weak?

Does doubt whisper in our minds "nothing will help ... it's useless ... it's too late ...things will never be right..."?

Whether it's the state of our country, or the health of our families, or doubts about our future, it is our belief in the Son, our faith that He is true, our sure knowledge that He is our Savior that needs to come to the forefront now.

Lord, we believe; help our unbelief!

Forgive us for being deaf and mute and without hope.

Replace our doubts and fears with Your healing, Your wisdom, Your compassion and Your presence.

Replace our division and hatred with Your love.

Because it is by our belief in Jesus that we are saved.

It is by our belief in Jesus that we are healed.

It is by our belief that Jesus reigns over all,  that we can live without fear and panic, division and hatred.

It is by our belief, that we will be beacons of light, positivity,  and salvation in a world that seems to be falling apart.

Lord, we ask for two miracles.

1.   Speak Words of Life to heal and save our country and others, Holy Father.
2.   Speak Words of Command to cast out the deaf and dumb spirit inhabiting Your people, and make us wise and  unwavering in the face of doubt and fear and public opinion.

Let Your Voice Be Heard.

"All things are possible to him who believes."

(all scripture from  Mark 9; NKJV)


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