Don't Settle For The Norm

"Have you ever experienced the Joy of the Lord?" I asked my friend. 

We were in the middle of a very open and honest conversation about lack of happiness. 

She said "I know I have at times, but not in a long while."

David prayed "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to you." (Psalm 51: 12-13 NKJV)

A long time ago, I prayed this prayer also.   I truly didn't even know what I was asking for. 

I just knew that something had to give.

Seeking happiness is fine.

Wanting life to be a certain way so that everything will go the way you think it should is normal.

Wanting to be happy is 100% a human characteristic.

But let's face it.   Life is anything but normal.   It doesn't always go "our way".

Life is hard and wacky and intrusive and miserable and troublesome,  with a few rays of sunshine and fair weather thrown in, which we grasp at and cling to as though they are life preservers tossed to us in a turbulent sea.

Yeah, life is turbulent.    Maybe that's the norm.

Happiness is nice.   I love feeling happy.    But it can be fleeting and fickle.   

Which is why happiness just doesn't work.   At least not for very long.

Because it's not reliable. 

But joy?  The Joy of the Lord?

Oh my goodness!

Have you ever experienced it?

The day I prayed that prayer so long ago, my life changed forevermore.

That JOY is not only reliable because of it's Source, but it is transformational!

It begins within your spirit and expands into your thoughts and actions.

It demonstrates itself to others who witness the metamorphosis within you.

It affects others because they want what you "all of a sudden " have.  ***

Or they turn away from you because that light is just too bright shining on them.

It  is something you never want to let go of.

It is truly a pearl of great value, a priceless gift.

If you let it, Joy will settle into your spirit and set up house.

It will clean out all the nooks and crannies and toss out all fear and doubt.

It will verify your purpose and His plan for you.

It will remain within you all of your days.

And from that you draw strength and faith and hope and love.

And from that you begin to see life with new eyes and listen with new ears.

And from that you begin to see yourself and others through the eyes of God.   You see their potential and their worth.

So seek Joy, my friend. 

Bought at the price of His sacrifice, it's a gift freely given. 

Seek It with all of your heart and soul and might.

*** A tribute to Mary Wilson who "all of a sudden" showed up in my life.  Thank You, Lord.


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