Decision Making

Years ago I made a decision.... or two.

I decided to start being thankful.   To count my blessings even when things didn't look so great.

Because there are always blessings to count.

I decided to start being happy for others when God blessed them in ways that I wished He would bless me.

Because if He can do that for them, He can do that and more for me.

I decided to start speaking blessings over my family and others.

I decided to start believing that "God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;"  (Romans 4: 17 NKJV).

I decided to think and speak about things or people as though they are what and who God says they are.

We believe a lot of things.

Things about others.

Things about ourselves.

When we start speaking and acting on those beliefs, it can cause problems and conflict,  or it can create an atmosphere where the miraculous can happen.

If we speak and act negatively about ourselves or others, then our mindset and our self image and our ideas dwell on the negative and we reflect that in our conversation, our relationships and just about everything we do.

I know because I was that negative person at one time.

Negativity just breeds more negativity.   It is a powerful tool that Satan uses to keep us under his foot and to prevent us from living the joyful and abundant life that God intends for us.    It flows from us to others like dripping acid.

But if we purposefully and intentionally begin to make positive statements, if we decide to live positively, to be thankful for the blessings  and believe that what God says about us is true, then things in our life begin to change.

Because we are actively and intentionally believing God instead of the devil.

It may take some time, but I guarantee that things will change.     

If you change.   If you take God at His Word.

If you make the decision to dwell on the positive and to "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." (Philippians 4: 7-8 NKJV)

I completely believe this is true.   My life changed drastically when I decided to leave the negative me behind and become Miss Happy Sunshine In Your Face.   It changed when I asked God to  restore the joy of my salvation.  It changed when I decided to believe God instead of the liar.  My entire outlook on life changed.

It's not always easy to be positive or to look for the silver lining in that ugly ferocious cloud.   Some days it takes a lot of work to take my mind off a problem and say "Father, I know that You have something good in store for me because Your Word says that You want to give me good.   I'm leaving this mountainous problem in Your hands and waiting for the blessing that You promise is mine.  I believe You." 

Some days I have to pray that over and over and over till I decide to believe it and let it settle solidly into my spirit.

Make the decision to believe that what God tells us is true and that whatever the devil says is a lie.

Because whatever you believe about yourself is true. 

Your outlook can change your outcome.

Think about it.

#outrageousbelief  #thinkpositively #countyourblessings #believeGod


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