All Ya Got!
And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

You can not experience the fullness of your relationship with God if you are holding out on Him.
He has so much to offer to His children.
He holds nothing back from us. He gave it all and He wants us to live in the complete and total freedom that being related to Him bestows on us.
But we hold onto our 'stuff' like we can deal with it on our own.
Like He can't handle it.
Like He doesn't know more about it than we do.
Like He just wouldn't understand.
Like we don't trust Him with it.
Or like it is too precious to trust to anyone, even Him.
There it is.
A lack of faith.
Where is a mustard seed when you need one?
He tells us to pray and fast when things look impossible.
He promises results.
He tells us mountains will move, yet we balk at a bump in the road before we ever really encounter a true mountain.
We have to actively have faith even in the small things so we will trust in it when the mountains and giants do rise up in front of us.
God does not promise us life without problems.
But He does tell us that He has overcome those problems and we can have peace because of Him.
"In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NASB)
He says we can have anything we ask for (within His will) if we only believe, but we won't take a step toward what we want because we can not let go of what we have.
We hold on to the ordinary, to things, activities, habits and pain that we don't even want, while He offers priceless riches!
He said "take my yoke upon you", and we are so stiff necked with our own pride and burdens that His yoke just seems to be another bit of stress to add to the load....even though He said it was easy and light.
Jesus came so that we would have abundant lives here and now. Not just for the indescribable eternal hereafter with Him that we can't even begin to imagine. His kingdom is at hand. It is here and now.
We are His heirs.
We are owners.
Why are we only standing in the doorway when we could be walking in and possessing the land and all it has to offer?
It is not hidden. It is treasure lying before us.
Treasure like peace, emotional and spiritual well being, joy and inner power.
The treasure is ours if we will dig and do the work of believing, praying, fasting, studying.
It is ours if we will make the effort.
He gave His all for us.
Shouldn't we give Him everything we've got?

You want mountains to move?
You want your life to change?
Take that mustard seed of faith and utilize it.
Make it grow!
Believe His promises.
Believe Him.
Give it all ya got.
I pray that you always hear the voice of the Holy Spirit!