
Not all who wander are lost, or tripping aimlessly along without a plan or a thought.
Forces within compel ... and this traveler must spring into motion without a notion
of the future, but with a longing to experience the wonder and beauty of the Maker's glorious work.
To stand in places of which I have only dreamt.
To soar above oceans and depths. To dive from the heights of the azure.
One day to breathe in the bouquet of God's garden and to walk the velvety cool surface of an unthinkable oasis.
Or climb the hot and craggy cliffs of unknown worlds.
One day to view the heavens and earth and all of creation from the grand scape of His eyes.
One day to see What no one has ever gazed upon and none but I will ever gaze.
Oh! To know the look, the visage, the face of God. His voice. His touch. His spirit.
To know that I am the only one of His that He will ever look on, or touch or speak with in that manner.
For me.
The beauty of His glory.
To know as I am known.
For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. (1 Cor 13:12) NKJV