Thoughts On Love

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Jesus said:
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV)

This walk of faith sometimes doesn't seem so easy.
But it should be.
I don't believe Jesus ever intended for us to struggle as much as we do to believe and have faith when we are in the middle of transition or turmoil and feel overwhelmed.
He says that He gives us rest when we are heavy laden ... with worry or strife, anxious and fearful, or if we feel like it is just hard work (labor) to follow His lead.
His law is love. His law of love is an easy and light burden.
"Love God with all your heart and soul and mind, and love others as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets..." Matthew 22: 37-40
He didn't complicate things with conditions, and it is not rife with rules and regulations.
His yoke is love.
It's fairly easy to say we love God with all our heart and soul.
What about with our minds?

He thinks about us continually.   He loves us with His Mind!

Shouldn't we love Him that way also?

After all, our love for Him (or anyone) should not just be emotional and spiritual.  It should also be a smart choice.   

I think that obedience comes from loving Him intentionally with our minds... with the intelligence that He gave to us.... with the ability to make a well thought out determination and a decision about what we believe. About how we love Him.
We must love Him with our thoughts, our thought out belief, our reasoning, our knowledge of what He did for us, what He has done, and what He is doing,
We have to keep in our minds His Word and also the remembrance of answered prayers, miraculous events, quiet intervals with Him, joyful moments, sorrowful times, every blessing we have received.
When we do so, and temptation comes around, our minds are ready and armed to make the right decisions. We will make choices that show we love with our intelligence and we will not be deceived by lies.
When we love with our minds, and hard days come, although our hearts and souls that believe and love Him are hurting, our mind remembers His provision and His love and compassion are real and tangible ... not just wishful thinking.
We shouldn't look back on our past with regrets, or with anxiety and fear to the future when we know Him and His love.... when we love Him with all our heart, soul and mind.
Because if we are loving Him and believing Him intentionally and with knowledge of Him, with our hearts and souls and our minds, then resting in Him and His faithfulness, trusting in Him for today and every day, will come naturally.
It's not so hard if you think about it.
It's easy and light.


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