
selective focus photo of ocean waves

You   are not responsible for another person's actions or choices.

You are not to blame.

You can not control or corral others to keep them in line or in sight.

Your shoulders are not that big.

You arms are not  that wide.  

You don't have the reach or strength enough to hold everything that you are trying to carry.

There is only One that does have shoulders broad enough and arms that reach far enough.

Give it to Him.   

He said "my yoke is easy and my burden is light". 

It is easy because He is enough.

He is big enough and strong enough and wise enough.

Let Him have whatever it is.

If you do try to keep control, you will break.

And that pile of problems will just grow and grow like a never ending tsunami.

It will wash you away.

We are not meant to carry that kind of load. 

Leave it in His hands.

The only way to shrink the problem is to give it away.

Remind Him about it occasionally if you must, but leave it with Him.

You think that you are fighting a battle?

You think that you can't lay down your weapons of warfare or let go of the fight?

You think if you do rest from it that all is lost?

You are not that powerful.

You don't have that kind of swagger.

Stop contending against your enemy and spend some time with the Victor Over All.

It doesn't mean that you are giving up on anything or anyone.   It means you are passing it on to Someone that can actually do something about it.

Stop long enough to see your reflection in His eyes and consider what He sees.

Let Him contend with you, make you see what you really need is to rest in Him and let Him wage the  war.

He is the War Lord.

He is in control of every battle, every skirmish, every disagreement.

He is the One that hardens hearts and softens hearts.

He is the One calling the shots.

He is the One that will instruct you when to speak or act.... when to draw  your weapons or lay them down.

Your job is to rest in Him, trust in Him, talk with Him, listen to Him.

Your job is to let Him change and refine you ... and not worry.

He will change others in His time and for His purpose.

Making sure they change is not your job.

He's got your overwhelming armloads of stuff right there with Him. 

You may still see the load, but He is carrying it.

He has not forgotten about it. 

It is a priority to Him.   

So don't act like you can take care of it better than Him.

Your job is to pray and to keep your armor on and sword by your side so that when He directs you to act, you will be ready.

He will intervene when the time is right.  Not before.

Jesus did not go to the cross without spending time with the Father.

He did not go unprepared for the battle that was coming.

He won the victory by surrendering to the Father.

You can win in the same way.


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