That's NOT My Fork!

You may not believe this.

Yesterday I decided to make bacon and eggs for breakfast.

Well, you might believe that.  But you may not believe what happened next.   

But it did.

I had just emptied my dishwasher and put everything in its place and I didn't want to mess up the kitchen again, but I was hungry.

So I get the bacon going and it's sizzling nicely in the skillet.

I have to interject here that as I was doing all  of these things, I had been talking to God.   I was just kind of matter-of-factly speaking out loud and letting Him know that I am trusting Him and reminding Him of my needs which are pretty pressing right now (just in case He forgot).  

Finally, I was like, "Well, Lord, I have shared all my jumbled up thoughts and don't even know if any of it made sense, but I know You can sort it all out.  I've been talking and talking and haven't let You say a word.  Father, please speak to me ... let me hear from You."

As I was saying these things, I reached into my kitchen drawer for a fork.   I use a fork to whip up my scrambled eggs.   I always have.  Lots of people use a wisk.  I use a fork.  (This is not irrelevant to my story.)

So, not looking into the drawer, I just grab a fork and start to whip these eggs into a frenzy.

When, all of a sudden, I realize something doesn't feel right.

I look down at the fork in my hands.

"That's NOT my fork." 

I literally said that out loud.

How did this fork get into my kitchen drawer?   

How did it get into my house?  

I have never seen this fork before.

It was unlike all my other forks.  I never have had one like this.  My set of stainless is completely different.

I was totally puzzled.

It actually kind of frightened me.  

I said "Lord, this is not my fork.   How did it get here?  Who put it in my house? Where did it come from?"

And then I realized that I had asked God to speak or show me something.

He was talking to me.   He was showing me.  

As usual, He does things in ways I would never think of.

If He wants to make an oddball fork materialize in my kitchen drawer, I believe He can do so.

And declaring these things as He gave them to me, I spoke:

"This fork is a promise!

It is an addition, not a subtraction!

A blessing, not a curse!

A Possibility, not a problem!

It is unexpected, not something I planned! (Because most of my plans don't work out.)

It is an answer, not a question!

It speaks of extra, not of lack!"

I felt the Holy Spirit give me assurance and peace about the things for which I had been  praying.

This morning I asked Him to show me confirmation in His word.   He gave me this:

Psalm 118: 25  "Save now, I pray, O LORD, O LORD, I pray, send now prosperity." (NKJV)

"Save now" is to deliver or give victory, to be spacious, ample, opulent.  In Hebrew it is applied to liberty, deliverance from danger and distress.

"I pray" is to beseech imperatively for something crucial and urgent or of vital importance.

It's not a namby pamby prayer.  It is urgent and asking for it NOW!

In the New Testament "Save now, I pray" was transliterated into "Hosanna!" when the people cried out to Jesus as He came into Jerusalem on a donkey.   Hosanna is an expression of joy and praise for deliverance which has either been granted or which is anticipated.

They were praising Jesus for an answered prayer!   They were praising Him for saving them before He had even done so.

Of course, we all know that prosperity is abundance.  It can be abundance spiritually, physically, financially.  Or all of these.

I had been urgently beseeching God to deliver me from some distress and also for prosperity.

He gave me a fork.  

It was not my fork.

But it is now.




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