
Walking is such a simple thing.   Most of us get it down  pretty good before we are even a year old.   We have some occasional bumps and spills, but for the most part, we get it conquered.  

Of course, when we are babies, and we trip or fall, we don't have far to go before we hit the floor and bounce on our butts and every one laughs and thinks we're so cute.  So we laugh too.

But we are so proud of ourselves for learning to walk!

It's a bit different the older we get.   Walking may be easier for us, but falling can be disastrous.  The consequences can be pretty bad.  Broken bones, bruises, embarrassment, doctor bills.  Ugh. 

Nobody is laughing then.

But walking worthy of God?

I'm a Christian.  Jesus loves me.  I love Jesus.   That's a simple step.

I'm a Christian and I'm going through some super tough times and it's getting really hard to stay focused on acting like Jesus and walking just became hard work.   

I feel like I'm always tripping upstairs.

Walking is tough when the path is steep.

I'm a Christian and it's storming and pouring rain and the flood is about to overwhelm me.   How am I supposed to walk in this?

I'm a Christian and someone just yanked my chain.  Pushed all my buttons.  My walk just got real agitated and unpredictable. 

I'm a Christian and my whole world just fell apart.  I don't even know where to put my feet.   Where was Jesus?   

He is right there with you ... every time.  

Take a breath.  Take another one.   Talk to Him.   Steady your stride.

Laugh for joy because you know that God is right beside you.

Sometimes my walk is like baby steps.

Other times I feel like I am doing a race walk with a few little crazy dance steps thrown in looking all funny and uncoordinated and making everyone wonder what in the world is going on with me.  

Have I lost my ever lovin mind?

Sometimes I even wonder what in the world is going on with me.

Where is my grace and sureness?   Where are those steady steps of faith.

Those steps of faith that are rock solid and without question.

What in the world would I do if God changed His mind?   

As wishy washy, self absorbed and unloveable as I can be, who would blame Him if He just threw His hands up and said "Forget it!  I'm done!"

After all, I can't seem to keep a steady pace.   I'm all on fire for Him and faithful in my walk one day and then I get tripped up by life the next.

Fortunately for me, and for all of us, He will never change.

God's promises to us are irrevocable.   He calls us to salvation through Christ.

He offers eternal life in His kingdom.  Not as servants or worker bees, but as his heirs.

God is not a man that He should lie.  

We are royalty ...Children of the most benevolent loving King.  He is our example for how to live our lives.

He has given us such an amazing gift.

It is up to us to live our lives as though it means something.

As though we appreciate it.

He calls us worthy of His sacrifice.

We must live to honor that.

We have to walk worthy of it, knowing that even on our worst days when our world is falling apart, He is still King of Kings, Lord of Lords.   He is still our Savior, Friend, Provider, Healer, Teacher and Life, Strength and Joy.

He is still the One that called us.

"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called," (Ephesians 4:1)

"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." (Romans 11:29)

"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" (Numbers 23: 19)

All scripture is from the NKJV.


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