
Image result for holy spirit photos
At some point we have to answer the same question that Jesus posed to His disciples "Who do you say that I am?"
I think He meant more than what they said about Him, but also what they actually and truly believed in their hearts about Him.
If I say "You are the Son of God, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Provider" it doesn't mean a thing unless I actually and truly believe it in my heart.
It doesn't mean a thing unless I live my life like I believe it with all my heart.
When the Holy Spirit fell with a rushing wind and tongues of fire on the disciples on the day of Pentecost, their faith became a powerhouse that enabled them to live the rest of their lives teaching and speaking and unceasingly sharing Jesus, and performing miracles regardless of the personal consequences that befell them.
We have the same Holy Spirit power within us.
So how do you answer the question from Jesus?
Who do you say that He is?
How does that affect the rest of your life?


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