
You KNOW they prayed.   Like most parents to be, they prayed for their unborn child.   They prayed for health, they prayed for blessings.  

Imagine their hearts breaking  and their disappointment when their son was born with a birth defect. 

Where was the blessing?  Where was the joy of having a newborn son?  What had they done to deserve this? 

Their treasure was born blind.

The wailing began.  The prayers began... the sacrifices began.  

To no avail.

Their son was not healed by their faith or their prayers or their tears.   He was blind.

Sometimes life is just hard and you don't get what you want.    You don't get what you pray for.

You live with disappointment and the disability.



We tend to meet such disappointments with the ache of anger and broken dreams... sadness or bitterness.

Years later, after this child was grown into a man, he would spend his life begging.   It seems that was the only source of income for someone with such a disability.  

Every one knew him as the blind beggar.

Until one day when his life changed.

Until one day when he met Jesus.

Jesus and his disciples came along, and there the man was.


Curious, the disciples asked Jesus who was to blame for this man's blindness?   Surely someone had sinned to cause it.  His parents?  Him?

Jesus explained  “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.    I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day;  the night is coming.  As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."

And then He healed the blind beggar.   He opened his eyes and gave him sight.


God planned this?    He picked this set of parents to have a child born without sight?   He picked this baby, now a grown man?

This man was born blind and spent his entire life with this horrific disability.... so that one day Jesus would heal him and God would be given the glory?  

So that people would see God working?   So that maybe someone would see the Light?

People asked questions.   All the blind man could do was give Jesus the credit, give the Son of God the glory.   He didn't bemoan the life he had spent blind.   He rejoiced in the miracle of his new sight!

When asked,  he replied  “If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing.”

When he saw Jesus for the first time, he exclaimed "Lord, I believe."  And he worshipped Him.

Maybe... just maybe... this thing that you are going through is not about you.   


Maybe... just maybe.. you have been chosen from before time.... part of a plan.

Maybe... just maybe.... your unanswered prayers will have a greater answer than you can imagine.

Maybe... just maybe... this thing that you are going through is going to be used to show the works of the Lord and give Him the glory. 

If you allow Him to answer your need in His way....

If you trust Him with your disability... your situation... your pain... with your heart...

His answer will be perfect and your life will be changed in ways you can't even imagine.

Believe Him.   Worship Him.

(John 9: 1-41 NKJV)




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