Why Are We Amazed?

Why are we always so amazed when God answers our prayers? I asked this question several years ago when He removed a back ache.

I was leading a Bible study in Texarkana and my back had been hurting for days. Thinking that I would not be able to make the study that day, I prayed during the day that the back ache would be removed.

When it was time to go to the study, my back was still hurting, but I decided to go anyway. I didn't want to miss it and I figured my back ...would be hurting wherever I was. 
So I drove to Texarkana, still hurting... walked in and sat down at the table and the room filled with people. When it was time to start, I leaned forward to pick up my Bible and realized that my back no longer was hurting.
I stood up and stretched this way and that way! There was no pain! I was so blown away!

How amazing is our God! He answered my prayer perfectly and where others could see it happen.
I don't know who in that room needed to witness His hand at work. Maybe only me..... probably others too.

Most likely the pain would have gone away eventually. He didn't have to make it happen this way.

But He did.

And He gave me one more reason to have an ‪#‎outrageousbelief‬ and expectation that He hears our prayers and our cries for help.

He hears and responds.
These days I am not so much amazed at His responses, but truly humbled that He is so faithful and loving and giving.
Give Him a try... lift your needs and your concerns to Him. Have an outrageous belief and expectation that He will answer.
He will amaze you.


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