Thank You Jesus!

Nick Wallenda walked across the Grand Canyon on a 2" wire tonight.    He did it on live television before a TV audience of millions upon millions.

Before he walked, the tv crew showed us his weeks of preparation for the event.   He shared his family with us and their enthusiastic support of his desire to perform.

There was a lot of preparation... a lot of hard and physical work and planning.   It all culminated in one thing.   

The walk.

On a 2" wire with no net, no tether, with nothing holding him there except his physical ability and his faith.

He walked across a 1500 foot chasm from one solid rock to another.     His family and friends holding their breath as they silently cheered him on.

I held my breath too.

As he walked, he began to praise Jesus.   "Thank You Jesus... Thank You Jesus."    "Praise You Lord."    "You are King of Kings.... Thank you Jesus!"    

It was a continuous prayer of praise and supplication as he walked that narrow wire.   He prayed... and I lifted my hands and prayed right along with him.

As the cameras took in every angle and view, I could not help but compare his balancing act to my walk with Christ.

Jesus told us  "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."    

Wallenda walked a straight and narrow path before millions.    He never took his eyes off of that wire and he never stopped focusing on one step at a time.      He took into consideration the winds that blew against him.   He acknowledged the depth of the canyon below.  

He knew it was perilous, yet still he concentrated on his walk.   He focused on his goal.  

I am to be so focused and concentrated on the goal set before me.   I am to practice my faith.   I am to keep to that straight and narrow path laid out for me knowing that one misstep can cause me to fall.

As the path becomes vague, I can become tired and my attention wants to wander away from it distracted by the wind, so I must gather my thoughts and give my fears and needs to God in prayer... in praise... in supplication. 

Thank You Jesus!   Thank you for bringing Mr. Wallenda safely to the other side.    Thank You because I know that You will also bring Your child safely through that narrow gate so that I may celebrate my walk with You.

"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."  Matthew 7: 14


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