Mark tells a story about Jesus healing a boy that was possessed by a deaf and dumb demon. The demon had controlled this boy since he was a small child and would just toss him around like a rag doll, throwing him into fire and water and probably other injuries to his body. All of this on top of disabling his hearing and speech. I can't even imagine how that boy felt, entrapped in his own body. His parents had to be at their wits end. They had watched their son grow from a child to a young boy to possibly a man who needed constant attention and care. They had been living in despair of hope for their child. Their belief was that it would always be this way. The demon spirit not only controlled their son, it controlled the parents life and faith as well. Then Jesus came along and the boy's father, with an almost infinitesimal glimmer of hope, brought his son for healing. He had heard the stories about Jesus, the healer, the teache...