That's NOT My Fork!

You may not believe this. Yesterday I decided to make bacon and eggs for breakfast. Well, you might believe that. But you may not believe what happened next. But it did. I had just emptied my dishwasher and put everything in its place and I didn't want to mess up the kitchen again, but I was hungry. So I get the bacon going and it's sizzling nicely in the skillet. I have to interject here that as I was doing all of these things, I had been talking to God. I was just kind of matter-of-factly speaking out loud and letting Him know that I am trusting Him and reminding Him of my needs which are pretty pressing right now (just in case He forgot). Finally, I was like, "Well, Lord, I have shared all my jumbled up thoughts and don't even know if any of it made sense, but I know You can sort it all out. I've been talking and talking and haven't let You say a word. Father, please speak to me ... let ...