
Battle Ready!

  F or forty days, twice a day every day, he swaggered out and shouted to the four winds.   Had he grown tired of battle?   Was he frustrated because no worthy opponent had come forward thus far?   "Why have you come out to line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and you the servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve us."  And the Philistine said, "I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together!"  (1 Samuel 17: 8-10) This was the Goliath of Gath... the splendor of the Philistine army.   Ten feet tall, weighing in at over 400  pounds.    His armor alone weighed at least 200 pounds with its bronze helmet, coat of mail, leg armor and bronze javelin.   His spear was as large as a tree branch. Everyday he created a stir among the chosen people.   

The Word is Buffalo

I share this story below because years ago, spending time with God in prayer, I asked Him to give me a Word... something just for me. Something personal. I spent quite a bit of time with Him.  Finally, probably out of patience with me, He tossed the word "Buffalo" into my head. I was so taken aback that I laughed and laughed. I laughed for days, thinking that God was just having some fun with me.  Don't get me wrong, I don't normally ask for something like this from God and it was a new type of prayer request for me. If any other word had popped into my head, I would have thought it was just me making it up. But, "Buffalo?" What in the world?! I still laugh when I think about it.  Then, I bump into this January 2015 article in The Tennessean while browsing on FB. Maybe you know all about the buffalo facing storms, but I did not. Nor did I know the storms I would face in my life. But I know my God and His faithfulness and I know that whatever may come, He is

Dried Up

Lord, come and fill every nook and cranny of the empty and dried up places in my soul.    


  In response to the question: “Who was your childhood hero?” My brother. Greg. He developed polio when he was about 6 months old. He had to have surgeries, wear a brace and eventually a shoe that was built up to make up the difference in his legs. He began having seizures when he was about 13/14. But he was such a fighter. He never let his disability bring him down. Funny. I never thought of him as being disabled. He couldn't play organized sports but he was always riding his bike, flying kites, playing a spontaneous game of football or catch. He taught himself how to play the guitar and he was fantastically good on it. It was a passion for him. Wherever we lived (we were an Army family) he organized a band and was constantly playing. He turned everyone he met into a friend. He loved to read and introduced me to everything from Marvel comic books to Tolkien. He graduated from college and was just beginning to start a career when he passed away at the age of 24. He gave me s

Camelot - A Eulogy for Mom

  Long Story Short Mom always began every tale with "long story short". If you knew her, you probably just inwardly groaned or rolled your eyes, because you have experienced her so-called "short" stories. But I will try to keep it bearable. Mom grew up here in New Boston. One of thirteen children, she attended New Boston schools and churches and was baptized in a local creek. She fell in love and hit the road to Ft. Chaffee Arkansas where Dad was waiting for her with open arms. They were married by an Army chaplain in a chapel on the base. She was the tender age of 16, but she was quick to say that she was ALMOST the ripe old age of 17 if one of us girls should mention how young she was when she married. It wasn't long before they started our family even though Mom wasn't too sure how all that came about. One thing about our mother, she was always a lady. Being a military spouse, she had unknowingly signed up for a life of adventures. Without co


Cerulean Blue Sapphire, Ultramarine, Teal  Midnight hue, my soul

On The Altar

"I am nothing but sharp edges and splinters.. shards of a splattered and shattered faith, using those shanks and points to keep His love at a distance so I don't have to face Him.   Yet He allows Himself to be pierced and bloodied once again as He draws me close, holding me in His arms of love and grace and pulling those spears and swords into His own body and heart as He covers me.   How can He stand it?  How can He stand me?" I wrote these words one 2:00 a.m. morning several years ago.   It was a time when my life was broken, and I felt that I had nothing left to give.  Nothing but pain. Looking back, I see the hand of God in my life, shaping me and changing me into the person He created me to be.  Growing me.   Growing my faith.   Growing my confidence and trust in Him. The following hymn (written by Elisha Hoffman) comes to my mind with new understanding of the lyrics. I laid my life in the hands of Jesus.  He has not disappointed.  He has not let me down.  Ever.  He