The Word is Buffalo
I share this story below because years ago, spending time with God in prayer, I asked Him to give me a Word... something just for me. Something personal. I spent quite a bit of time with Him. Finally, probably out of patience with me, He tossed the word "Buffalo" into my head. I was so taken aback that I laughed and laughed. I laughed for days, thinking that God was just having some fun with me. Don't get me wrong, I don't normally ask for something like this from God and it was a new type of prayer request for me. If any other word had popped into my head, I would have thought it was just me making it up. But, "Buffalo?" What in the world?! I still laugh when I think about it. Then, I bump into this January 2015 article in The Tennessean while browsing on FB. Maybe you know all about the buffalo facing storms, but I did not. Nor did I know the storms I would face in my life. But I know my God and His faithfulness and I know that whatever may come, He is ...