
Showing posts from February, 2019

I Choose

M y soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning ... Yes, more than those who watch for the morning. Psalm 130: 6 Words escape me sometimes.   Ideas fly away. My best intentions and plans go awry. I get down in the dumps. Don't get me wrong.  I have some non-dumpy days.  In fact, I have some spectacular wonderful awesome days! But sometimes...  Sometimes I fall into a pit... usually one of my own making. And then there are those times when circumstances completely topple me and I tumble into  despair that anything will ever go right. Optimism plays hide and seek with me on occasion. But I always have a choice. I get to choose my attitude and I get to choose my actions. Do I let a circumstance define my character?    Do I let it determine my path? Or do I look at it as a challenge to grow and overcome?    As a challenge to exercise my faith? I to...