Outrageous Belief

09/21/2015................ Let me tell you about my faithful God. Never count Him out, because He is the only ONE you can truly count on. Believe Him and KNOW that He has never encountered the impossible. No situation is beyond His reach. No problem is too big for Him to solve. No sorrow is greater than His love and compassion. There is nothing and no one above or over Him. He is never unavailable and He is ALWAYS on time. He will lift you from the depths and raise you on high. The Joy of the Lord is His to give to all who ask. He is Father, Savior, Provider, Healer, Teacher and Friend. He holds us precious. There is no way to write down everything... there is not enough internet to contain all the wonders of God. # outrageousbelief 05/19/2015 ................. Well, it is official! I am a new employee of AECOM/URS as of today. I was waiting till I actually went to my first day of work to post anythin...