Inciting Rebellion

I stumbled over this one today, like tripping over a kid's toy laying in the floor. It was waiting for me. I know it's there, but all of a sudden I am tumbling head first. It's going to be painful and I know it. I can already feel the bruised knees, hands... maybe even my head. No... I'm not gonna like this one bit. There is gonna be pain. A lot of pain. This time it isn't a toy in the floor or a shoe I left laying or a rug that was out of place. I didn't stumble over an inanimate object. No, this time, it is words. Living Words. Words that hit me like a ton of bricks. Words that pierce my heart and make me sick in my soul. To be more specific, these are the words that bruised and pierced my ego, my heart and my conscience: "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law b...